Japan Travelogue Series: Gundam Café
The mecha (giant robots) genre in Japanese anime and manga enjoys immense popularity, captivating audiences not only in Japan but across the globe. Iconic mecha series like Evangelion, Mazinger Z, and Gundam have earned a prominent place in this genre.
The renowned Gundam franchise made its debut with the television show Mobile Suit Gundam, also referred to as Gundam 79 or Gundam 0079. Produced by the animation company Sunrise, the show first aired on April 7, 1979, marking the beginning of a remarkable and enduring legacy.
Gundam Cafés offered a delightful array of Gundam-themed beverages and delectable food, ranging from curry and burgers to scrumptious sweets. These establishments were not only dining venues but also boasted shops where fans could find merchandise and Gundam models, creating a perfect one-stop destination for enthusiasts of the series.
Sadly, Japan’s iconic Gundam Cafés has closed for good, but Michelle had the great opportunity to visit the branch at Akihabara months before that and was able to record her experience. Take a look!