I’d like a homestay, to practice my Japanese in summer term. What homestay families are available?
We support you in trying for a host family: homestay is a unique and satisfying experience. We will do our best to place you with a host family, but since the number of students who want homestay is much greater than the number of homestay spots available, there is no guarantee that you will receive a homestay placement. And generally, fewer host families are available in summer: they tend to take their family vacations during this time.
Host families run the gamut from wanting to do everything with their students, to spending much less time with them. Please keep in mind that the host families are not expected to act as tutors to the students. (There are plenty of people at KCP available if you need extra help.) No matter where you are—at a homestay, in a dorm, in a store, on the street, with your student friends—you will find opportunities to practice Japanese. The dorms contain students of all nationalities whose only common language is Japanese.